I, like most of the country, am so tired of this winter! Today I think the high was a whopping 7 degrees. Baylee has had school (at regular time) yesterday and today which is weird to me because a few weeks ago when it was this cold they closed the schools down. All of the districts around us are either closed or on a delayed schedule but not hers. I am thinking it probably has something to do with the fact that they have already used up all of their snow days but at the same time it is painful to be out for just a few minutes. I feel bad for the bus drivers having to open the doors all the time to let kids on and off the bus.
One thing I am really excited about is today I got my first homeschooling catalog in the mail! The company is called Timberdoodle. I found them by just doing a search on Bing. They offer three levels of homeschooling kits that you buy each year and it even gives you guidelines on when to teach each thing that is in their kit. They have a video on their website that also says if you have a child who is a level higher in, say, reading you can call them and they will swap out the reading book in the grade you are buying for another one.
Looking through the catalog I have to admit I am stuck between the Pre-K curriculum and the kindergarten one. There are things in each that I think would be beneficial to Carson but I'm not sure how much mix-matching they will let me do. I am still waiting until Carson has his evaluation next month to decide anything 100% - not to mention I still need to talk to some people in the district to even see what my options are for him. I also don't want to spend $600 on a kit that I won't be able to use if the district says that I can't homeschool him.
The district that Baylee is in apparently has a special school inside it that is for autistic kids. The district Carson is in does not offer such schooling. I think if they deny my request to homeschool then I will have to look into the autistic program and see what they can offer Carson. Here in Ohio we are given $20,000 a year to pay for programs like that for kids who need the extra support. The family that we went to visit in Toledo over the summer just moved to Illinois and they don't have that funding anymore. When she posted on Facebook how mad she was at the school system everyone around her seemed stunned that we are offered the money here. They had never heard of it before. Now, at this point WE have not officially been offered any financial help for schooling. Amber mentioned it a long time ago at school but it hasn't been brought up since.
Speaking of Amber, I got an e-mail from her that they canceled school for Monday so it looks like it'll just be me and the boy alone again. He cracked me up earlier today. He was using Baylee's iPad since he shattered the screen on his yesterday. He was playing sushi monster (not well) and was trying to make an in-app purchase. There are parental controls on those apps and it was asking the question: 2x6=? [ ]. Carson's answer? CAKE. OMG it was so funny. Such logic.
And to add more stress to my stress (and my twitchy eye) now our roof is leaking! Every room along the front of our house has water spots on the ceilings. We haven't even been in this house 10 years and we are the first occupants! I'm letting Mike take care of the details for this one. And we're getting more snow tomorrow and Saturday too. At this point I just have to laugh. What else can you do?
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