Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Diabetes Clinic

Today Carson had his first diabetes check since leaving the hospital.  They first had me meet with a social worker, which in my stuck-up days I would've bitched about it and complained and refused to do it.  But guess what?  It's MANDATORY.  She was a really nice girl.  We sat in a room with a table and a few chairs and just hung out.  I fed Carson his breakfast while we chatted about school options and caregiver classes if anyone else in my family was interested (not a chance in Hell unfortunately).  We talked about my stress and how it is completely normal to feel overwhelmed and under appreciated.  I already knew that I guess but I feel like such a complainer.  

She promised me that once we have his sugars under control a little better and they back off of the night checks I will start to feel better because I will have more than 2.5 hours of sleep at a time.  I hope that's all it is.  Sleep deprivation.  It makes sense.  I check his blood every three hours, even through the night.  So let's say I check him at midnight.  Next check is 3 am.  I don't fall asleep right at midnight.  I have to write down his numbers, do some math if it's high and then give him insulin if he needs it.  By then it's 12:30.  By the time I lay down and actually fall asleep it's more like 1 am and I'm back up again at 3 for his next check.  So then I'm up at 6 and I have a choice.  Stay up since Baylee has to be up at 7 am OR I can lay down for another 15 or so minutes and hope I actually fall asleep.  This is where I get into trouble because I will fall asleep because I'm just exhausted and then I oversleep to get her on the bus.

Last week I was fortunate enough that he stayed asleep and I was able to get Baylee on the bus without incident.  I then went back to bed with Carson and slept until 9:15.  We would've slept longer but I woke up to my phone ringing because Amber had decided to stop by and see us since it was a teacher work day and the pipes busted at the school because of the temps and she didn't want to drive all the way home.  So I'm running around like crazy trying to clean as much of the house as I could in the 4 minutes it took her to get to us.  It was almost comical.

She mentioned to us that I should start trying to get social security disability since this is just another thing limiting what he will be able to do when he is older.  I guess I'm really going to have to buckle down and make the call.  I have been putting it off because I didn't want to have another problem to deal with at the present moment.

After the social worker we met with a nurse who took Carson's vitals and then our endocrine doc came to see us.  His A1C (measures how long his blood sugar has been high in his system) is now down to 9.2.  It was 9.4 at the hospital.  They want it around 8.5 when it's all said and done.  An adult should be around 7.  She told me that it's good that it's going down slowly because that means he isn't having too many low sugar levels to bring it down faster. 

She told me that he is starting to plateau with his numbers which means he is settling into his 'honeymoon period'.  When this period is over (in 6 months to a year) his pancreas will have shut down completely and his numbers will start to rise again.  When that happens they will have to adjust his insulin levels again.  It's so weird when you think about this ugly little organ that's all lumpy in your body and how 'smart' it actually is.  We are having such a hard time mimicking that stupid ugly organ just to keep my little guy alive. 

Carson did great today.  He let his doc listen to his chest without screaming and even let her look at his injection sites and fingers to see if they were infected (nope) or being over-used (not a chance-yet).  She said to come back in a month and after that it will be every 3 months.

So for now we are crossing our fingers for 2 more nights of consistent numbers.  If that is the case she said I can back off to just checking sugar levels at midnight and 6 am!!  I hope, I hope, I hope.


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