Saturday, September 7, 2013

Bunny Love

Yesterday I got up at 6:45 am, had Baylee up at 7, got her ready for school and the 3 of us were out the door by 7:40 to drive her up to the bus stop.  Living in the country, we have to drive about 2 miles to get there.  We tried to walk it one day-it wasn't the best idea I've ever had- it took us 45 minutes to get there and she almost missed the bus.  Then, of course, I had to walk home.  So I figured out very quickly that it was a whole lot easier to just drive.  Carson slept for the 15 minutes it took to get her there, onto the bus and then home.  As I was getting him out of the car he woke up.  I carried him into the house and put him in my bed hoping he'd fall back to sleep and I could have a little time to straighten up the house.  Instead as I was covering him up he reached up and pulled my head down bedside his on the pillow.  His way of telling me to chill for a bit?  Not really sure but it didn't matter.  The housework could wait.  I gladly laid down beside him and cuddled with him for about 45 minutes.  It was wonderful.  I hope that when I'm home full time I have that opportunity every morning to hang out with my little man and bond.

As I was cleaning up the house I noticed him go to the fridge and get the lettuce out of the drawer and walk off.  This of course peaked my interest considering he has been known to be a bit of a kleptomaniac and a hoarder when it comes to certain items.  I quietly followed him through the house and into his sister's room.  He went to her Dutch rabbit Oreo's cage and placed the entire head of lettuce on top.  He then dropped some lettuce - not much, maybe the size of a quarter - onto Oreo's head through the cracks in the bars.  I was so happy and shocked at the same time.  He will sometimes feed me popcorn or a potato chip but I have never seen him feed an animal before.

He sat in her room for most of the day keeping Oreo company.  He played her his favorite song on his iPad that he usually plays for the vacuum cleaner (whom we refer to as his best friend).  He sat beside her and laughed and 'talked' to her.  He even took his lunch in there and sat beside her while basking in the sunlight streaming through Baylee's window. 

It was such a good feeling to see him so happy and loving towards another creature.  He has always been loving towards certain people in his life but seeing him recognize that there are other beings in this world who need love and food etc. is just a testament to the fact that he is growing and evolving. 


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