Saturday, November 9, 2013

School: Day 9

It has been a crazy week around here.  It's my first week home from work but it really hasn't felt like anything different yet because we have been so busy.  Monday Carson had school, Tuesday he had an appointment with his pediatrician, Wednesday I had to go to the BMV (will go into that later), Thursday Carson went to see his geneticist and today we went to optometry. 

So first things first.  School Monday was great.  We had an IEP meeting a half an hour before class started and I am happy with where things are going.  I did have a question about one of the tests that was listed that I didn't touch on last week because I wasn't really sure what it meant.  It is called ASQ-SE (ages and stages questionnaire) and it's a packet that I fill out with questions about the way he plays, eats, gets along with others etc.  He scored a 110.  I asked what this meant.  Jody told me that the cut-off for concerns was 100.  I got excited.  It basically meant if he had scored a 99 there isn't any concern about his behaviors.  But then Amber corrected Jody.  The cut-off is actually 70.  I wasn't really surprised.  Just another reality.

After all the forms were signed I was told how this last year will go for Carson.  He will be reevaluated in February as an exiting strategy from pre-k into kindergarten.  I will not be able to red-shirt him because of his birth date.  The only way to do it is if your child will be 6 turning 7 after December 1.  He misses it by less than two months.  So for now, moving forward, I am going to wait until February and that evaluation before I make any more decisions about where to go from here.  The results of those tests will determine where he falls on the scale cognitively.  I know not to get my hopes up.  I will be happy either way.

Carson went with Patty and began on the stairs.  She had him going up the small flight of three stairs, getting leaves with numbers on them and carrying them down to a poster with the tree to match the numbers at the bottom.

  After the stairs Carson and Patty went down to Amber's room while I was in the hall talking to Amy.  I tried to stay out of the room for a few minutes to see how he would do without me and as far as I could tell he did pretty well.  Jen said that he sat on a ball and listened to the calendar and weather songs.  He then went to a table to cut.  It was then that he looked for me and became upset that I wasn't in the room.  I cut my conversation short with Amy to attend to him.  I really didn't do much. I just came into the room and let him hug me before continuing.  Patty had him climbing up onto a wooden landing and jumping off.  He was doing pretty well too.  She said that he was doing about 50% of the work.  When he was first diagnosed with hypotonia I was told by Jan his original physical therapist from when he was about 2 months old until he was 3 that he would probably never jump.  I love it when he can prove people wrong.
Jen's new goal for Carson is to be able to draw letters and shapes etc with 'precision'.  She has began drawing shapes with dot stickers to show him where the corners of letters should be.  He is supposed to connect the dots.  For his first time, I don't think he did too bad.

They are all squiggly and I think it's adorable.

After PT/OT Carson went to speech with LaQuita and Jen.  Jen helped try to get him to focus by having him on his stomach on a therapy ball while he worked with LaQuita with the Bitsboard App again.  He was doing great with matching the correct answers again.  It makes me so happy that she has found something that she can effectively use to show what he does actually know when it comes to observation (which kid is swimming, eating, smelling a flower etc.).

I am trying to stay as hands-off as possible now because that is what they want me to do in anticipation that I may let him go a few days a week with Amber's full class.  Because of that I know that I don't have a lot of information about what is going on with his therapy.  I will try to do a better job next week but Baylee will be with us since her school is observing Veteran's Day and she will be off.


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