Monday, November 18, 2013

School: Day 10

School last Monday was an absolute blast.  Carson ended up being the only kid to show up so we had the run of the place.  We showed up a few minutes early for Patty to work on stairs with him.  This week she used poster board letters (they're like post-it notes with a little sticky area on the top of the letter).  She put the letters on the wall at the top of the staircase and had him go and get one letter then bring it down to spell out his name.  He had other plans.  He would climb the stairs to get the letters but only a few of them made it to the wall.  Most of them ended up in the giant trash bin, I guess he thought he was helping clean up!

Down in the classroom I have to admit I was really surprised to see how good he was doing with the schedule now.  He sat on a ball-seat (half an exercise ball with a solid base) with Patty's help and was able to put the correct number in the calendar for the day of the week and even picked cloudy when they asked what the weather was like (there were only 2 options, but hey, I'll take it.)  He even dressed the weather panda in a coat and boots.  Granted he tried to put the boots in it's mouth but it was still cute.

                  Man of the hour.  Cute to see him with all the girls surrounding him. 
After the weather LaQuita read the best book.  It's called,  "The Night Before Thanksgiving."  We were all cracking up at the story and the pictures.  For a few minutes we were all getting really worried when the farmer was explaining to the kids at his farm that he was going to use a shiny ax to cut the heads off the turkeys.  LaQuita kept saying, "I didn't pre-read this! I hope doesn't end the way we think!"  I seriously was crying I was laughing so hard.  Carson laid on his stomach with them and read along and even pointed at the pictures they asked him to.  He does so much better without other distractions.

               Reading "The Night Before Thanksgiving".  I highly recommend it :)

Patty and Jen took turns working with Carson.  Patty had him 'jumping' off of a wooden platform onto the mats below and Jen was working with Carson trying to get those corners down with shapes.  As you can see in the picture below she is working on connect the dots, highlighting the numbers for an easier reference.

After PT and OT was finished LaQuita was using the BitsBoard App again to see what Carson could do with rationalizing what things went together and what things didn't.  He didn't do too bad.  He could find two animals out of 4 pictures and 2 shapes etc.  It was when she had it asking 'who is crying?' and it showing a picture of a little girl crying or playing in the sand that we saw what he was really capable of.  Some of them he did great.  He could answer them without any problems but when he upped it to 4 pics to choose from at first he did great but then not so much. We couldn't figure out if he was narrowing down his choices but knew the answer or if he was just randomly hitting them until he got them right.  Some he would get on the first try and then if you redid it, he wouldn't find the correct picture until last.  It's very frustrating because you just don't know what is going on inside that little brain of his.

Amber was really impressed with how great he had done.  She kept trying to convince me that he needs to be there full-time.  I told her that I would think about it.  She told me that she has decided that since she doesn't feel comfortable leaving her baby with anyone she doesn't know that when it's older and her mom can't watch it anymore she wants me to do it.  I just laughed and told her that I'm glad she finally feels where I'm coming from feeling very hesitant to let Carson go to school full-time and her kid will talk!  Imagine not having any clue how their day was other than what you're told by others.  You just don't know if what they are telling you is 100% the truth.  I told her that I wanted time with him to myself since I really never got that 1 on 1 time with him like I did Baylee when she was little.  She told me that she wants him there starting in January after the holidays.  I'm still on the fence.  I know he likes it there but I'm there and I think that's a major factor.

So we left with connect the dots papers and homework to try to get him to possibly write 2 word phrases: ie want milk or eat food (pizza, whatever) plus whatever else we can get out of the kid.  Onto the next.



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