Thursday, August 29, 2013

Another First!!

Carson lost his first tooth!!

Such a big deal for little ones-losing a tooth and then trying to go to sleep all excited with it tucked underneath your pillow waiting for the tooth fairy to bring you money.  Unfortunately for us, Carson really had no clue that he'd even lost it let alone want a tooth fairy visit.

I noticed a couple months ago that his bottom front teeth were loose.  Worried since he is only 4 I called the dentist.  They said it was the right tooth to be losing first so I shouldn't have anything to worry about if there wasn't trauma to the area.

He went to the dentist for his cleaning about a month ago and they took x-rays and found that his adult teeth are right underneath his baby teeth in the front and were just pushing them out.  Each day it would become more and more wiggly.  I was afraid that I was going to have to hold him down and pull it myself or worse he'd eat it. 

Luckily for us neither were an issue.  I was at work and Carson was at my mom's house.  On my lunch break I called her to see how he was doing and while I was talking to my mom she noticed that he had blood coming from his mouth.  She thought that he had bit his tongue but then I reminded her about his tooth being loose and she hung up to see what had happened.

A couple of minutes later she called me back to tell me that it was his tooth.  He had popped it out on his own and it was lying on the floor!!  He's so cute with his little missing tooth.  I'm not sure he even knows it's gone except for when he tried to eat something with ketchup and I think it burned a little.  The tooth fairy brought him a word matching game.  When his sister lost her first tooth she was given a kit to make her own fairy doll.  So I think it was a good choice ;)

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