Saturday, September 13, 2014

Home School

This past month has been so busy.  School officially started for Carson on August 1 since his paperwork came to us late (but we unofficially started June 1).   I'm doing many things with him when it comes to his education but the major part is coming from his iPad.  He has a TON of apps which are all educational.  He doesn't have one game on there that is just for fun.  It makes me sound like a total stickler but trust me, it's how he likes it.  I purchased a year's subscription for an app called Homer.  It is an app that not only teaches letters and sounds but also has a mail system where you can send and receive virtual postcards from family members.  He is getting really good at taking pictures to send.  I like it because I can log on and see how much progress he has made.  The only problem so far is that it allows up to 5 profiles and Carson has figured out how to make them.  Right now he is playing under the name 'umbrella'. 

I pretty much let him lead the way when it comes to what he is learning but I am also doing work-book pages with him to put in his portfolio to show the board at the end of the school year.  It's really fun working with him.  I have to admit that I am learning probably just as much as he is.  Did you know that the first school bus was used in London, UK in 1827?  It was horse-drawn and could hold up to 25 students.

He has watched tadpoles grow into tree frogs and has been learning about all sorts of musical instruments.  His favorite today was a harmonica (which interestingly enough was one of the first words he ever spelled... when he was 2).

I am trying to take as many pictures as I can so show the things that he is working on since he doesn't really do that much actually ON paper.  It is either on his iPad or on his white board.  Some days it's like watching a scene from A Beautiful Mind or Limitless and the end result is this:


We go in October for his annual appointment with his pediatrician.  I am going to find out then what I need to do about therapies since we aren't doing any from school anymore.  I am incorporating as much as I can in our day but I don't know if it is enough.

Carson had new tubes put in his ears on August 28.  We go for a booth hearing test next week.  Hopefully he is hearing better.  We have noticed that he isn't writing things the correct way.  He writes POT instead of POP and today he was listening to an Elmo song and during one part they say clap clap clap and he wrote nap nap nap so we know for sure he either isn't hearing it right or isn't processing it correctly.

Oh well.  It's almost 2 am.  I guess I should be off to bed.  7 am comes early.


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